Ravelling is an important asphalt / pavement degradation process that is intensively being researched by road construction companies and government bodies.
RSAT (Rotating Surface Abrasion Test) is one of the methods selected for the DRaT project. DRaT is an acronym for Development of Ravelling Test and part of a CEDR Transnational Road Research Programme.
Other methods are DSD (Darmstadt Scuffing Device), TRD (Triboroute Device), ARTe (Aachener Ravelling Tester) and SR-ITD (Skid Resistance & Smart Ravelling - Interface Testing Device.
More about the DRaT project:
A comprehensive list of asphalt and pavement degradation mechanisms can be found here.
Because of the early involvement of Somatidio BV with ravelling tests, our many years of experience and the fact that we are an independent engineering company we are the ideal partner for assisting you in developing or automating your asphalt (ravelling) testequipment.